And I have to agree with Famiglia Cristiana.
I do not flip through a copy of at least 20 years, ever since I read it to her grandparents' house.
Or rather, I read the news crazy fished around the world (as shown) and jokes end.
I leaguers "do not sing the national anthem and not even want to hear," but "for the rest hunt for chairs and national presidencies ...". Famiglia Cristiana writes in an editorial published online that says the decision of the Lombardy regional council of the Northern League to leave the classroom yesterday, when it was sung the national anthem. "Dodger this league," says the weekly Paolini, because "Refuse to sing the national anthem, in fact replace the bar with pastries and cappuccino, is one of those games that give players a gladiatorial thrill, do not involve any risk, they provide headlines and space on TV." But when it comes to "content, Po little time and very specific - you read about the Christian Family - and how if the League if they want. Do not sing the national anthem and not even want to hear, but if banks are at stake presidencies and directions to institutions, as also national Mameli, if in addition to the maneuvers is to occupy seats Roman regional, provincial, municipal and neighborhood, in short, if it comes to distributing benefices and places at every level, the League has already placed at the forefront. "
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