Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Man Dressing Without Underwear

the big meeting here we are!

were full days, and flown away! But we have a lot of things to say.
In October I proposed to do a PHD (a PhD Italian), do not laugh because you do not believe as you do not even believe us. In three weeks we have prepared: 1-the proposal (in English and referenced), 2-3-one format the documentation in the field of research, methodology, background on which I would be based, and so on. etc.. 4-3 references requested by 3 different teachers respectively in Australia, Italy and Germany. Ps the deadline coincided with the delivery of master's thesis (big ass). The project
remained frozen until Monday (in the past few months I have received the formal proposal and notification of having won a scholarship) only that there was to formalize all of the terms (other documents to be produced, translated and certified in the practice of headache).
Finally last week, Friday 11 / 2, to be precise, they told me that everything was ok! We have not even had time to celebrate because the start date was Monday. Now all my decisions revolve around working on this project.
Meanwhile Alice found herself struggling with a husband in turmoil (I can not tell you what scares me this challenge, I measure up? Be able to write in English? And if I write crap? The work, money?) And colleagues bitches.
As always we will do everything! Or as we say sperem!


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